Product Attributes

Attributes are a product's specs, such as the number of pixels in the camera, the battery's stand-by duration, the phone's touch screen function, and so on.

Attributes can be defined at the category level, and attribute values can be assigned to those Attributes at the product level.

The properties of the current product's mapped category will be presented here. You may assign attribute values to the current product in your shop using this interface.

'Attribute values' can be of two types:

  • Values for predefined attributes

  • Values for custom or standard attributes (i.e. Undefined)

On the Enter Product Attributes page, the 'predefined attribute values' (if any) are presented in the drop-downs against respective attributes, as shown in the picture.

On the Enter Product Attributes page, as shown in the image, you'll discover text fields for entering the 'custom or normal attribute values' against those attributes.

Multi-Lingual Attributes

Multilingual characteristics are required if you wish to present your items in several languages on your website.

On the Enter Product Attributes page, you'll discover text fields for entering the 'custom or normal attribute values' where you can add multi-lingual attributes.

When a product is offered in numerous locations/countries, multilingual attributes are utilized to specify the product's qualities. In this instance, the product qualities must be translated into the local language.

Adding/mapping characteristics is a significant work in and of itself, thus the notion of multilingual attributes was introduced to alleviate this problem. This allows us to specify attributes in several languages and map them to the same product/category.