Waiting for Pickup

These orders are transferred here from the Authorized Orders list by arranging the shipment and providing the appropriate shipping information.

The shipments booked with the 'Book Shipment' module will be listed here.

These orders are now being picked up by their respective shipping service providers.

After those shipping service providers have picked up the merchandise, these orders must be manually transferred to the 'Dispatched' orders list using the 'Dispatch' button.

By downloading the data of required orders, amending the necessary information, and uploading the corresponding spreadsheet format, you may bulk dispatch the orders (i.e. dispatching orders in bulk amount).

What is the procedure for dispatching a 'Waiting for Pickup' order?

To move orders from the 'Waiting for Pickup' list to the 'Dispatched' list or to dispatch a Waiting for Pickup order, follow these steps:

Click on 'Waiting For Pickup' under the Orders and Leads section, as illustrated below.


The orders will be listed (if any) according to the search criteria you choose.

Choose the checkboxes next to the orders you wish to transfer to the 'Dispatched Orders' list.


Select the checkbox in the Header section to select all of the orders.

After you've made your selections, click Dispatch.

The orders will be sent out, and you will receive an appropriate success notification.


How can I get a refund for an online payment order that is waiting for pickup?

To get a refund for an online payment that is waiting for pickup, you must first:

Cancel the delivery(s)
Cancel the entire purchase or the order's needed goods and begin the refund process.

To get a refund on an order that is waiting to be picked up, complete the following:


You can further filter these Orders (if necessary) using the many options available below. Click Search Options, pick the needed search parameters, and then click GO to filter the orders.

The orders will be listed (if any) according to the search criteria you choose.

To cancel and refund an order, click the appropriate Order ID (this is a link) that has the 'Online Payment' that you wish to cancel. This will take you to the Order Details page for the order you've chosen.


Go to the section called "Shipments."

Select the shipment you wish to remove and click the delete symbol. A dialogue window will ask you to confirm your action.


Click the OK button. The cargo will be removed from the system, and the dialogue box will close.

Cancel additional shipments as well (if any and if required).

You can now cancel those goods in order to complete the refunds.


Click Cancel Order after selecting the required products to be reimbursed. You'll see the Cancel Order dialogue box appear.


The Qty text box may be used to edit the amount that will be cancelled and refunded.

From the Reason drop-down menu, choose the reason for the cancellation. (Mandatory)

In the Cancel Comments text box, type the cancellation comments. (Mandatory)

Select the 'Show the Comments to End User' text box to show these comments to the end user.

Select the Initiate Refund Process checkbox to begin the refund process. Then the next piece will be revealed.

Only for online payments will the Initiate Refund Process checkbox be visible. It will not be visible for offline payments such as 'COD.'


How can I print the appropriate shipments' invoice and dispatch note?

Select Orders and Leads from the drop-down menu. Getting Ready To Be Picked Up > Go to the appropriate order.


Select the checkbox next to each order for which you want to print an invoice.

Select the appropriate shipments and then select Print from the drop-down menu. The print options will be shown to you.

Click Print Invoice to print the invoice for the selected shipment(s). The invoice for the specified order(s) will then be created and shown on the screen in pdf format. The invoice may be printed using the various printing choices. The invoice will be downloaded and displayed in the manner depicted in the screenshot below.