Shipping profile

A shipping profile is a set of shipping rules for specific products and locations. It helps vendors charge accurate shipping rates through product-based shipping rules. From a brand perspective, it can be a flat chart, weight-based, or card value-based to add all new and existing products to a singular shipping profile.

You can use shipping profiles to set shipping rates for specific products and charge different amounts based on where you're shipping your products to and from. You can add products that should share shipping rates to a shipping profile, and then set up shipping zones and rates for each location that fulfills those products.

The ACP interface of Manage Shipping Codes allows you to add new Shipping Codes and edit existing codes for your own Store. This page facilitates the complete ‘Shipping configurations’ at one place. You can define ‘Shipping Modes’, ‘Shipping Zones’ and associate the ‘Shipping Charges’ under each ‘Charge Type’. If the shipping is not free, you can define exclusive Shipping charges for ‘COD’ shipping and ‘Prepaid’ Shipping.